How to Use Local DynaROM Interpretation Report


This document explains how to create a Local DynaROM interpretation report through MS Word.

Before you Begin

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of the MyoVision software registered for Feature Pack C or later. Download here:
  2. Ensure that Microsoft Word is installed and setup
    • If it is a new laptop or you have never used Word before, open MS Word prior to making your report to go through the setup prompts
    • How do I install Microsoft Word?

How to Create a Local DynaROM Interpretation Report

1. Open the exam

  • Open the exam you want the report to be generated for

2. Create Interpretation Report

  • Right-click anywhere in the exam
  • Choose: Create Interpretation Report > Local using MS Word

3. Choose which template to use, then click "OK"

  • Templates that start with "DM2" require Feature Pack H or later
  • PCP Reports contain both the interpretations and the DynaROM graph for each motion
    • Recommended for reports to send to other providers and for any legal case
  • Non-Graphical Reports are interpretations only and do not contain any pictures of the DynaROM graph

4. Save the report

  • Choose the location to save
  • Type in a File Name
    • Recommended file name is "Last Name, First Name Date of Exam"
    • DO NOT duplicate file names, this will overwrite the other report and you will lose that interpretation report
  • Click Save

5. Wait for report generation

  • If there is a prompt, click "OK". Report will generate after the prompt
    • If you do not want to see this prompt again, uncheck the box next to "Show again"

6. Fill out DynaROM report and save

Not sure how to interpret DynaROM exams? See our training videos at

DynaROM Interpretation videos are in the DynaROM Training course